"I enjoyed bringing the youth and our leaders to the Summit. It really is a great place for youth to discover and explore their calling as followers of Christ, while opening up to peers and adult leaders in a safe and affirming setting. That this comes side-by-side with adults from their faith community and adults new to them makes it a unique environment for nurturing the faith in our young people and enlivening it in our adults. What a wonderful way to show our young people how Christ can touch the heart and move the hands and feet of people of all ages."
Dave Carlson, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church, Independence, MO
" 'This is church.' I had never thought of church as a feeling, only as a place. Hearing those three words helped me to realize that I find church not only while attending service or activities, but also in other people."
Youth participant
50 years of Summits and looking toward 50 more!
Summit 2025
Sunday July 27-Saturday August 2
Wheeling University
Wheeling, WV
Come and experience a week of Christian community in a casual retreat setting at our Youth Summit, where we worship, fellowship, and serve in mission. All denominations are welcome, and no group is too large or too small.
Summit provides a place for high school youth, young adults, and adult leaders time to grow in their faith, in their commitment to Christ, and in community with each other. They are small gatherings of about 125 people, and open to youth who have completed 8th grade and up, young adults (up to age 22), and adult leaders.
Early Bird - March 1
Youth/Young Adult/Adult per person: $565, incl $150 deposit
Regular - March 2- April 1
Youth/Young Adult/Adult per person: $590, incl $150 deposit
Late - after April 1 (as available)
Youth/Young Adult/Adult per person: $615, incl $150 deposit