Upcoming Events
Schedule training just for your church
We are scheduling in-person and online events for churches, denominations, and judicatories.
For details and prices, click below.
Attend a scheduled public workshop
If an event is not marked "private," you are invited to attend. Bring others from your church or organization, as you like. Choose an event below and submit your registration.

Contact our Training Director
With questions, or to schedule a private event for your church or organization, contact Betsy Dishman.
Intergenerational Worship Workshop
Wednesday, April 9
1:00-2:15pm EDT
$20/person, online
Explore the topic of intergenerational worship
Evaluate your current worship services through an intergenerational lens
Discuss benefits and best practices
Discover what GenOn offers to support your congregation
LIFT Explore
Wednesday, April 30
1:00-2:15pm EDT
$20/person, online
For clergy, staff and church leaders to explore ways to create intergenerational gatherings around tables to eat, study, play and pray together using our LIFT resource (Living in Faith Together). Receive “LIFT Try It – A Seed Story” ($16.40 value) for free!

InterGenerate Conference
June 10-12
Asbury Theological Seminary
Wilmore, Kentucky
InterGenerate is a conference for academics and practitioners to engage in dialogue about intergenerational ministry understandings and practices.

50 years of Summits and looking toward 50 more!
Summit 2025
Sunday July 27-Saturday August 2
Wheeling University
Wheeling, WV
Come and experience a week of Christian community in a casual retreat setting at our Youth Summit, where we worship, fellowship, and serve in mission. All denominations are welcome, and no group is too large or too small.
Summit provides a place for high school youth, young adults, and adult leaders time to grow in their faith, in their commitment to Christ, and in community with each other. They are small gatherings of about 125 people, and open to youth who have completed 8th grade and up, young adults (up to age 22), and adult leaders.