Why Intergenerational?

A new way of being the church
Most churches are multi-generational. With intentionality, a church can become intergenerational, transforming to a new way of being the church—growing disciples, and impacting the world for Jesus Christ in the way, we believe, God intended. This transformation brings about a sense of belonging for all, to be in relationship as equal parts of the body of Christ—the intergenerational church.
As generations mutually invest in one another, relationships deepen, transforming the church from doing intergenerational programming
to thriving as an intergenerational community. Christ-centered community draws us all closer to God.

Why is intergenerational Christ-centered community essential?Â
Studies have shown that intergenerational community provides:
- Affirmed value, regardless of age
- Response to God’s call for faith to be shared in community
- Decreased isolation for all ages
- Support of families
- Welcoming and inclusive environment
- Practice in caring for one another
- Understanding and unity as a congregation
Explore these articles and books.
- Disciples of all Generations, Liz Perraud, GenOn Ministries
- Becoming Intentionally Intergenerational, John Roberto, Lifelong Faith Associates
- Why Bring Generations Together, Holly Catterton Allen
- Intentional Intergenerationality, Chris Barnett
- Report on Shift in Christian Education Paradigms
- Relationships: The Oxygen of Human Development, Gene Roehlkepartain, Search
- Moving Away from the Kid Table, Kara Powell, Fuller Youth Institute
- Why Intergenerational, Christina Embree, Refocus Ministry
- Intergenerational Christian Formation (Second Edition), Holly Catterton Allen, Christine Lawton, Cory L. Seibel Â
- InterGenerate: Transforming Churches through Intergenerational Ministry, Holly Catterton Allen, Editor
- Engage All Generations: A Strategic Toolkit for Creating Intergenerational Faith Communities, Dr. Cory Seibel, Editor
- All Ages Becoming: Intergenerational Practice in the Formation of God’s People, Valerie M. Grissom, Editor
- Generations Together, John Roberto, Jim Merhaut, Kathie Amidei
The Generative Church, Dr. Cory SeibelÂ