
 For Denominational
& Judicatory Leaders 

Resource Discounts for Your Churches

GenOn can offer a discount on intergenerational ministry resources for your churches. To talk about options, please reach out to our Resource Director, Suzie Lane.

Email Suzie

Growth Group Cohorts

Our Growth Groups are for denominations and judicatory organizations to partner with GenOn in support of intergenerational ministry development in churches.

By design, each participating church forms a team of 3 or more leaders to create a cohort of churches who work collaboratively online over a period of 6 months with GenOn staff.

Learn more

Contact our Training Director

With questions, or to schedule a private event for the churches you serve, please reach out to Betsy Dishman. 

Email Betsy

You are invited to attend one of the workshops below to learn more about intergenerational ministry development and how GenOn can help the churches that you serve. For workshops with a cost, please email Training Director Betsy Dishman to attend for free.

If you like what you hear, we can offer a free online GENeratiONs Together or Intergenerational Ministry Interest Session just for your churches.

We also encourage you to invite your churches to one of the scheduled sessions.

Faith Formation Workshop

Wednesday, February 5
1:00-2:15pm EST
Click box to the right to register

Explore the topic of intergenerational faith formation

Evaluate what you currently offer for faith formation through an intergenerational lens

Discuss benefits and best practices

Discover what GenOn offers to support your congregation

Email Betsy Dishman to attend for free as a denominational or judicatory representative

From a Growth Group participant

“Being part of a GenOn Growth Group gives your church a supported process to figure out the best steps forward for your context and encourages you to take those steps.

There is no pre-determined answer or action -- it’s a process for your church to go from ‘thinking about’ intergenerational ministry to ‘brainstorming ideas’ to actually ‘actioning something’ in your context.”

Melissa Neumann
Intergenerational Discipleship Developer, Uniting Church Synod of South Australia