An Intergenerational VBS: The Church Family Gathers for a Very Blessed Summer
Feb 25, 2025
Have you found yourself hoping for a Vacation Bible School resource that is truly intergenerational? How about a resource that not only includes lots of children and adults but is intentional about bringing the generations together to study, play, eat, and worship? Something different than the traditional “VBS in a can.” We surveyed lots of Christian educators, and here’s what they say they want:
Discussion points that involve people from different generations
Large-scale craft ideas that encourage everyone to participate in their creation (banners, mosaics)
No purchased decorations... just ideas using items surrounding people in everyday life
Take homes would be great to continue the conversation.
Flexibility in numbers attending is helpful.
One that could be adapted for time/days would be good,
I prefer a base resource that gives ideas but that is not tied to me having to purchase a lot of extras. Less is more in my opinion.
We are looking for lower-budget options that provide ideas but not "kits."
So we got to work on All God’s Children: The Church Family Gathers for A Very Blessed Summer (VBS)! And we believe we’ve got what you’re looking for!
This intergenerational resource contains 5 separate sessions that explore the variety of ways we seek to live together as children of God. Each lesson can stand alone, while working together to draw a picture of God’s plan for us. A plan for all ages to walk together, growing in relationship with one another and with God through Jesus’ example and his teachings.
A space to explore the good fruit we can enjoy and share as people of God. An opportunity to love each other as Christ loves us, as we strive to grow the Kingdom of God. Weaving together Old and New Testament passages, scripture is the backbone of this Very Blessed Summer series.
Arrange these sessions in any order:
Gathering 1
Scripture: Luke 24:13-48, The Road to Emmaus
Summer Blessing: Walking and Growing with Jesus
Gathering 2
Scriptures: Psalm 23 and John 10:11-18, The Good Shepherd
Summer Blessing: Trusting the Good Shepherd
Gathering 3
Scripture: John 15:1-8, the vine and the branches
Summer Blessing: Bearing Good Fruit
Gathering 4
Scriptures: Psalm 98 and John 15:9-17
Summer Blessing: Love Each Other
Gathering 5
Scriptures: Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15 and Mark 4:26-34, Parable of the growing seed and the mustard seed
Summer Blessing: Green and Growing in the Kingdom of God!
How much time is needed?
A Very Blessed Summer is based on the typical Vacation Bible School design of 5 days for 2.5-3 hours. The “meal time” can be shortened to 15-20 minutes to accommodate a snack time rather than a meal.
When should it be held?
Depending on your church summer schedule, you may choose to move through the 5 sessions on 5 consecutive days or nights or once a week for 5 weeks during the summer. Each lesson unit stands alone so that whoever attends on any given day will be fully included.
Blessing Others
We’ve included a section titled “Blessing Others” that can be utilized to expand your sessions to include time for mission or outreach.
Take It Home Blessings
At the conclusion of each gathering, you will find a short list of questions, activities, and prayer ideas related to the theme that will allow families to extend engagement at home.
Download a free sample or explore all summer resources
GenOn Ministries has a long history of partnering with communities of faith to nurture children and youth into an abundant life-giving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Efforts focus on equipping adults of all ages to be actively engaged in leading the spiritual development of young people both within the faith community and the broader community. Check out the many resources and training opportunities available and have a Very Blessed Summer!
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