& Values

The central theological conviction upon which our ministry is based is that relationships are everything, with God and with one another. Even though there is much about the mystery of God that we will never be able to grasp fully or understand completely, at least this much has been revealed: God is, and chooses to be, in a loving relationship with all of us.
Theology is not just something we need to study, but something to put into action as a way of life. When we can put what we believe into practice, others can experience through us what it’s like to be part of God’s family—loved, accepted, and forgiven. We do that by practicing treating every person as a child of God, as Christ would. This practice is foundational to GenOn Ministries.
Diverse Community
Our training and resources are used by churches in various denominations to develop and grow intergenerational ministry with our support. We currently include the following denominations as the ecumenical community that uses our training and resources:Â
American Baptist, Anglican, Assembly of God, Canadian Baptist, Chinese Alliance, Chinese Baptist, Church of England, Church of Christ, Community Church, Congregational, Cumberland Presbyterian, Disciples of Christ, Episcopal, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Global Methodist, Lutheran--Missouri Synod, Mennonite, Moravian, Nazarene, Non-denominational, Presbyterian (PCUSA, ECO, PCA), Presbyterian Church in Canada, Reformed Church, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, Seventh Day Adventist, Southern Baptist, United Church of Christ, United Methodist, Uniting Church in Australia, Vineyard Church, and Wesleyan.
We affirm that an abundant life-giving relationship with God through Jesus Christ is more important than anything else in life.Â
We seek to live with God as the center and focus of everything we do, following the Bible as our guide and standard.
We recognize that partnering with the Body of Christ, the church, is essential for excellence in Christian nurture, and that God has called the church of Jesus Christ into being as the primary means of ministry in the world.
Through our ministry, training, and resources we advocate the study and practice of four vital elements of ministry which originate from Acts 2:42 (teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and worship), and that through this ministry we are called in a significant way to reach out and minister to people of all generations in and through churches of many denominations.
We strive to be accountable as stewards of the gifts God has entrusted to us—time, talent, and treasure—including the gifts for ministry given by God to individuals and congregations, and that money given to GenOn Ministries will go to make a difference in the lives of people of all generations—promoting lifelong commitments to Jesus Christ, the Church, and its mission.
We equip adults for ministry using training, consulting, resource materials, and relational support, so they can equip Christian communities to nurture people of all generations into a faithful relationship with Jesus.